On October 16, 2023, at Evergreen ADHC, the Navratri celebrations began with ghatasthapana and was attended by both participants and staff. Everybody who joined performed Garba, and sang devotional songs every day. Participants gathered daily for special religious pooja and prayers, including chanting, aarti, and garba, for the next nine days.
Early in November, Evergreen went on a field trip to the Encore Casino. Everyone was having a great time exploring the cool casino. Seeing all the lovely flowers decoration in the main entrance was very pleasant. After that, each person played the slot machine for a while. Everyone had a wonderful time, even though nobody won millions.
Participants in the Evergreen ADHC celebrated Diwali. The center lit up with Diyas throughout the course of five days, and participants gathered daily in the morning for religious puja and prayers. We also celebrated the Hindu New Year. We had a great day, and everyone enjoyed a fashion show, walked the catwalk, and danced. The ritual of Tulsi Vivah is performed and celebrated with immense glory and joy at Evergreen. Participants got involved in a variety of preparations, and both staff and participants enjoyed the festival.
